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Local in Cologne • Global at Heart

What We Do

With a club demographic that spans age groups, life’s phases and crosses cultural boundaries, we strive to offer something for everyone. With a mix of daytime and evening happenings, everyone can find time to take part in something.


Our activities are member-led with support from the club. Some occur weekly, some once or twice a month, and some happen "on demand" i.e. when it is convenient for the Activity Leader and participants. We offer a mix of morning, evening and weekend time options to accommodate all schedules. Our weekly coffees, parent meet-ups and book discussion group are among our longest running activities. Some of our current staples are:

  • Writing Women • supporting writing group meets monthly in the evenings  
  • Sprechen • monthly opportunity to practice German
  • Stitch ‘n’ Bitch • friendly group of knitters, crocheters and stitchers
  • Southern Swizzle • monthly dinner meet-ups in Rodenkirchen with or without partners
  • Book Discussion • readers meet mornings (in person) or evenings (via Zoom) to discuss books selected by the group members
  • Urban Sketchers • meet monthly to sketch local attractions
  • Stadtwald Runners & Walkers • takes place on Saturday mornings twice a month
  • Regular coffee mornings in Cologne and Bonn
  • Kino & Kölsch • movie night followed by a drink
  • Hiking • monthly hikes in the surrounding countryside

Sample Calendar of a typical month with the AIWCC...   

Examples of activity groups we have had in the past are Scrapbooking, Photography and Tennis. Groups change based on member interest and Activity Leader availability. All members are welcome to share their passions and talents with the club!


Our events are club-lead with support from members. They occur seasonally or may be one-off special events. Longstanding club events include family parties for Halloween and Christmas, our Welcome Back Brunch in September, a Thanksgiving meal, a Christmas Brunch, our Annual General Meeting in June and a July 4th BBQ. Recent additions to our annual events include Trivia Night and the Sustainable Fashion Bash. Both are fundraisers for our Charities. We also participate in and host special interest events like:

  • One Billion Rising
  • Cologne Karneval at The Hard Rock Cafe
  • Global Book Discussions focused on special topics (i.e. refugees, education, human rights)
  • Benefit Concerts
  • 16 Days Campaign
  • Women’s March

Family Programs

The AIWCC has a long tradition of family programs. Read more here.

WhatsApp Community

Members are able to connect with members who share common interests by joining any number of activity and interest groups in our WhatsApp Community. 

Questions? ...  Please contact a Board Member.

Get to know us

You are welcome to join any of the following happenings to get to know us better.

  • Thursday, August 29, 2024 10:00
    Ludwig im Museum Café & Restaurant • Heinrich-Böll-Platz 50667 Köln
  • Thursday, September 26, 2024 10:00
    Ludwig im Museum Café & Restaurant • Heinrich-Böll-Platz 50667 Köln
  • Thursday, October 24, 2024 10:00
    Ludwig im Museum Café & Restaurant • Heinrich-Böll-Platz 50667 Köln

Social Media

Find us on Facebook and Instagram

We encourage members to pursue what they love and share that passion!

Lifelong friendships have grown from these gatherings -
many began with a friendly smile and a cup of coffee.

These partners help us make things happen!

Vincerola Logo

CIS logo

St. George's Logo

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© 2022 AIWC Cologne e.V.

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